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Track performance with Analytics

In this episode, we delve into the importance of podcast analytics, focusing on key metrics to monitor, using insights to improve content and marketing strategies, and setting goals to transform your podcast from guesswork to precision broadcasting.

Today we’re getting analytical. We’ll explore how tracking performance with analytics can transform your podcast from guesswork to precision broadcasting.

The Importance of Podcast Analytics

Analytics aren't just numbers; they tell a story about your podcast's performance, audience preferences, and engagement levels. Understanding these metrics helps you make informed decisions, such as the best time to release episodes, what content resonates with your audience, and how to adjust your marketing strategies.

Key Metrics to Monitor

Focus on metrics like total downloads, listener demographics, episode retention rates, and sources of traffic. These insights are crucial for measuring reach and engagement. Castos offers an engaging dashboard to help you access these metrics, download reports, and answer all your questions quickly.

Using Analytics to Improve Content

Use listener demographics to tailor your content more effectively to your audience. Episode retention rates can show you where listeners drop off, indicating parts of your format that may need tweaking. If you notice a spike in listens when you cover certain topics, consider featuring more of that content.

Marketing and Promotion Insights

Track which marketing channels drive the most traffic and listener engagement. This helps you focus your efforts and budget on the most effective strategies. See how well your calls to action are working by monitoring how many listeners follow through on episode prompts like signing up for newsletters or visiting your website.

Setting Goals and Benchmarks

Use your current analytics as a benchmark to set goals for growth. Whether it’s increasing listener engagement or boosting download numbers, clear targets will guide your podcast strategy.

Remember, the more you understand your analytics, the better you can serve your audience and grow your podcast. Next time, we’ll dive into various options you have to monetize your podcast.

Visit the resources section on where you can find answers to any podcast-related questions, tips, tricks, and best-in-industry podcasting knowledge.

Helpful Links

Till next time, Happy Podcasting!

[00:00:00] Everyone's favorite topic is analytics, and I'm no exception. I love data. As a marketer, as a salesperson, as a business owner, and as a creator. Data and analytics is the heartbeat of figuring out if I'm doing a good job. Hey there, Craig Hewitt here. Welcome back to the how to start a podcast series by Kastos. Today we're going to be talking about podcast analytics and the thing before we dive into the details, the thing about podcast analytics that you really have to consider is the goal of this is to figure out what's working and what's not. And that's really all it boils down to. As you're looking at your podcast analytics, whether you're hosting on castos or somewhere else, the thing you want to look at is, am I getting more listens in every sequential episode? Because if you're doing that, then what is happening behind the scenes is you're getting feedback from your audience and you're giving them more of what they like, right? Aside from stroking our ego and giving us a dopamine hit, which is all great and everybody does it, the thing that we want to do is we want to figure out what our audience wants more of, deliver that to them, and then verify that with the data. And that's really all that analytics are doing. Inside a platform like castos. What you're going to see are analytics across the account as a whole. You're going to see analytics by podcast performing over time. You're going to see lists of episodes by podcast or for the account overall, and see kind of in a table how those are ranked and how they're showing, and to see how people are listening. So are they listening on iOS devices or Android or Mac? Right. Where are they listening? And then mobile apps, right. Apple Podcasts, Spotify, overcast, and the million other third party podcast apps that are out there. And lastly, where in the world are people listening? Down to the country and the geographic level. So again, just to draw it back to what do podcast analytics really mean to us as creators, the goal should be I want data around what's working so I can give more of that to my audience. So inside Castos, you'll see all of this data and beautifully designed graphs and charts and spreadsheets and customizable analytics reports. Head over to to learn more.